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Global Internet usage

    This article on global Internet usage includes tables, charts, maps, and a list of articles with more detailed information on a wide range of usage measures.

    Internet users

    Internet users per 100 inhabitants

    Internet users per 100 inhabitants
    Worldwide Internet users
      2005 2010 2013
    World population 6.5 billion 6.9 billion 7.1 billion
    Not using the Internet 84% 70% 61%
    Using the Internet 16% 30% 39%
    Users in the developing world 8% 21% 31%
    Users in the developed world 51% 67% 77%


    Internet users by region
      2005 2010 2013
    Africa       2%             10%             16%      
    Americas 36% 49% 61%
    Arab States 8% 26% 38%
    Asia and Pacific 9% 23% 32%
    Commonwealth of
    Independent States
    Europe 46% 67% 75%


    Internet users in 2012 as a percentage of a country's population

    Internet users in 2012 as a percentage of a country's population

    Number of Internet users in 2012

    Number of Internet users in 2012

    Broadband usage

    Worldwide broadband subscriptions
      2007 2010 2013
    World population 6.6 billion 6.9 billion 7.1 billion
    Fixed broadband 5.2% 7.6% 9.8%
    Developing world 2.3% 4.2% 6.1%
    Developed world 18.0% 23.6% 27.2%
    Mobile broadband 4.0% 11.3% 29.5%
    Developing world 0.8% 4.4% 19.8%
    Developed world 18.5% 42.9% 74.8%


    Fixed subscriptions: 2007 2010 2013
    Africa 0.1% 0.2% 0.3%
    Americas 10.9% 14.1% 17.1%
    Arab States 0.9% 1.9% 3.3%
    Asia and Pacific 3.2% 5.5% 7.6%
    Commonwealth of
    Independent States
    Europe 18.4% 23.6% 27.0%


    Mobile subscriptions: 2007 2010 2013
    Africa 0.2% 1.8% 10.9%
    Americas 6.4% 22.9% 48.0%
    Arab States 0.8% 5.1% 18.9%
    Asia and Pacific 3.1% 7.4% 22.4%
    Commonwealth of
    Independent States
    Europe 14.7% 28.7% 67.5%



    Fixed broadband Internet subscriptions in 2012
    as a percentage of a country's population

    Fixed broadband Internet subscriptions in 2012


    Mobile broadband Internet subscriptions in 2012
    as a percentage of a country's population

    Mobile broadband Internet subscriptions in 2012


    IPv4 addresses
    World map of 24 hour relative average utilization of IPv4 addresses
    World map of 24 hour relative average utilization of IPv4 addresses observed using ICMP ping requests as part of the Internet Census of 2012 (Carna Botnet), June - October 2012. Key: from red (high), to yellow, green (average), light blue, and dark blue (low).



    Content languages for websites

    Content languages for websites

    Percentage of Internet users by language

    Percentage of Internet users by language


    Internet censorship by country

    Internet censorship by country

      Pervasive censorship
      Substantial censorship
      Selective censorship
      Changing situation
      Little or no censorship
      Not classified / No data
